The Playbook

Welcome to our Marketing Playbook! We are thrilled to have you on board as a new marketing client. Our playbook is designed to help you achieve your marketing goals by providing you with a comprehensive strategy that covers everything from social media marketing to email campaigns, content creation, and more.

With our proven methods and expert guidance, we will work together to create a will elevate your brand and generate leads and sales. We can't wait to get started and help your business thrive in today's competitive market. Let's dive in!

Quick Start Items: 

These are the first initial task items for you to tackle to get a quick jump start on your marketing and CRM platform.

  1. Set Up your Google My Business (Business Listing) Use the GMB Set Up Checklist to get your most important Reviews site set up and ready to gather your customer reviews.
  2. Automation and Email Sequences 

Edit the provided Sales and Nurture Email Sequence Swipe files that will help you to deliver the right follow up messages to your prospects. Follow the instructions for editing on the first page.

  1. Create Content 

Start planning and creating your content. Content is what will establish you as an expert and a trusted authority. See the Content Creation section for more information on how to do this easily.

  1. Start Posting 

Once you get some of your content ready to go, start posting on your social accounts, on your blog, and on your video channels. Great content has no value unless people see it, connect with it, and react to it.

OK, now that you have started…. Read on to the rest of the Playbook to really get clarity and develop your strategy, system and plan to market your business.

Day 1: Goal Setting 

Goal setting helps you to identify your "why" and establish clear goals to help you reach your desired destination. By approaching this exercise with seriousness and dedication, you greatly increase your chances of success in implementing and achieving your goals.

Use our Goal Setting Workbook (separate PDF) to help you with this task.

Establish measurable goals: Define your desired outcomes in terms that can be quantified and evaluated. What do you want to accomplish in your business? Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive traffic, or boost sales? What does your personal life look?

Set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals to ensure success.

Goal Setting Tasks 

  1. Write Out Your Ideal Life 
  • Spend some time reflecting and write one paragraph each on your ideal career, family life, finances, relationships, community involvement, personal growth. Be as specific as possible and envision your ideal life in each of these areas.
  1. Set 5 Year and 1 Year Long-Term Goals 
  • Based on your vision for your ideal life in each area, set long-term goals for the next 5 years and 1 year. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • For example, if your career goal is to become a manager in your current field, you might set a 5-year goal of completing a certification program and a 1-year goal of attending a leadership training course.
  1. Set Monthly and Weekly Goals 
  • Break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable monthly and weekly goals. This will help you stay motivated and on track towards your bigger goals.
  • For example, if your career goal is to become a manager in your current field and you have set a 1-year goal of attending a leadership training course, a monthly goal could be to research available courses, and a weekly goal could be to identify potential courses to attend.
  1. Schedule Goals into Calendar 
  • Once you have set your goals, schedule them into your calendar to make sure you stay accountable and on track. This means setting aside regular time for working towards your goals and making sure you're making progress.
  • For example, if your health goal is to exercise for 30 minutes every day, schedule that time into your calendar and treat it like any other important appointment.

By following these steps, you will be able to set goals that align with your vision for your perfect life and create a plan to achieve them in a realistic and achievable way. Remember to regularly revisit and adjust your goals as needed based on your progress and changing priorities.


Day 2: Ideal Client? 

Identifying your ideal client is crucial for success. Who your target audience is will help you create a more effective marketing strategy and focus your efforts where it matters most. By understanding your ideal client's needs, wants, and pain points, you can tailor your messaging to connect with them on a deeper level.

This not only attracts more of the right customers to your business but also helps to long-term relationships. By honing in on your ideal client, you can maximize your ROI and see significant growth.

Use the Ideal Customer Worksheet to brainstorm some ideas about

  • who exactly is your ideal customer
  • where you can market to your ideal customer
  • campaign ideas, like a download guide, or a webinar, even offline campaigns (like postcards and mailers)

Day 3: Testimonials and Reviews 

As a business owner, one of the most important factors for success is social proof. Social proof is the concept of using the positive experiences and recommendations of other people to build trust and credibility for your business. Positive testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers can help to establish your business and attract potential customers.

Here is a comprehensive list of strategies that business owners can use to get and gather testimonials and reviews from clients to build social proof:

  1. Create a list of prior clients who could give good testimonials: Start by identifying your satisfied customers who would be more inclined to provide a testimonial after using your products or services. Reach out to them to see if they would like to participate. Use the Revi3wsPro system if it is active in your enVisioncloud CRM account.
  2. Create a contest or other incentive to encourage prior clients to give testimonials: Offer a discount, free product, or other incentives that would motivate your clients to share their experience with others.
  3. Create a system directly after doing business with clients to request reviews or testimonials: After a client has used your product or service, set up an automation workflow in your enVision Cloud system that requests a review or testimonial.
  4. Post testimonials that you already have collected: Use the testimonials that have already been gathered on your website and social media platforms to showcase the positive experiences of your customers.
  5. Embed testimonials on your website and social media platforms: In addition to sharing testimonials on your website, consider embedding them within your web pages, blog posts, or social media posts.
  6. Make it easy by providing a few options to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business, LinkedIn, and Facebook: Encourage your clients to leave reviews across various platforms by providing links and review instructions that make the process as easy as possible.

Once you have gathered testimonials, be sure to share them widely, including on your website, social media profiles, and sales and marketing materials. Positive social proof can be the difference in a customer choosing your business over a competitor, so be sure to invest the time and effort into gathering and utilizing it effectively.


Day 4: Content Creation 

Creating content is an essential part of any marketing strategy. It helps educate potential clients about a product, service, or industry in a way that is educational and informative. The main reason creating content is important for marketing is that it helps build brand reputation and authority, which in turn can lead to increased trust between businesses and their target audience.

The Right Content

The right content for marketing is critical to reaching and engaging your target audience. It is important to focus on solving the biggest problem, need, or desire of your potential customers. By doing so, you can generate content that speaks directly to their concerns and values, positioning your brand as a trusted solution provider. By addressing the most significant challenges and aspirations of the target audience, you can establish a deeper connection with them, build trust and credibility.

A Plan to Create Content 

An editorial calendar is a useful tool for planning and organizing your content. It allows you to create a schedule of blog posts, social media updates, videos, and other types of content you wish to publish in a particular period. This can help you visualize the content you want to create and ensure that all the pieces are connected.

Use our provided Editorial Calendar and include the title, type of content, publication date, platform, and a brief description of how it can help achieve your marketing goals. By utilizing an editorial calendar, you can make sure your content is published consistently and maintains a high level of quality.

TIP: Creating content in chunks is a useful technique for maximizing productivity and avoiding burnout. Instead of creating large amounts of content at once, breaking everything into smaller "chunks" can make the task seem more manageable. You can also create a content creation schedule that divides the time you have into smaller, more manageable blocks. For example, you can decide to spend one hour each day on content creation rather than dedicating an entire day to doing it.

What is the Right Content 

Here is a list of topics and ideas that you can use for your content, such as blog posts or videos, and then how to spin it into other forms of content:

  1. Tips and Tricks for Home Buyers: This topic can include blog posts about how to find the right property, how to negotiate, and how to obtain financing.
  2. Home Staging Techniques: Blog posts about how to prepare a property for sale, how to declutter, and how to give a property its best chance of selling quickly. Use videos, images, and written articles to demonstrate how to arrange furniture, add light, and accessorize rooms.
  3. Market Analysis: These types of blog posts are ideal for providing an overview of the local real estate market, current trends, hotspots, and specific neighborhood insights.
  4. Homeownership Advice: Topics can include managing finances, taxes, home repairs, and upkeep of a home.
  5. Stories of Extraordinary Properties: Use your blog to showcase properties that are unique, either due to location, design, amenities, or architectural elements.
  6. Neighborhood Guides: This content idea is excellent for helping prospective buyers understand the community around a property. Create guides that detail local parks, schools, restaurants, town centers, and other essential amenities that their buyers may be interested in.
  7. Industry News: Inform clients of significant real estate news, such as changes in real estate laws, policies by the relevant bodies, mortgage rates, interest rate cuts, or increases. Doing so shows clients your expertise and insight into the industry.
  8. Testimonials and Reviews: Testimonials from satisfied or happy clients are an excellent tool to use in marketing campaigns. Post them on your website, social media, or in any other relevant marketing material, to provide social proof of your professionalism and experience in the industry.

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  1. Infographics: Infographics can be a great way to make complex data easy to understand. Use these to explain the home buying process, financing options, or to illustrate trends in the real estate market.
  2. ‘How-to’ Guides: Develop guides for their clients on how to navigate different stages of the home buying process, such as securing financing or negotiating. By providing instructions and tips, you can demonstrate your expertise and professionalism in the industry.
  3. Before and After Home Renovation Projects: Use this real estate content idea to showcase completed home renovation projects.
  4. Market Reports: Generate market reports for clients, detailing the state of the local real estate market, the current interest rates and how it might affect their property buying and selling decisions.
  5. Community Building Events: Finally, host or sponsor local events that help create a sense of community. This content idea can range from sponsoring kids’ sports teams to participating in community volunteer activities. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate your personality and dedication to serving their clients and local community.

Day 5: Sharing Your Content (Social Posting) 

Sharing your blog posts on social media can help you connect with your target market, increase brand awareness, and establish yourself as an expert in your field. By breaking down your blog posts into bite-sized pieces of content, you can create engaging social media posts that are easy to consume and share.

It's important to remember that each social media platform has its own unique audience and format, so tailoring your content to fit each platform will result in better engagement and a higher likelihood of your content being shared. Repurposing your blog content for social media can save time and resources while still delivering valuable content to your followers.

How to Repurpose Your Blog Post Content 

Repurposing your blog content to post on social media is an effective way to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website.

To repurpose blog content for social media, videos, and other resources, follow these steps:

  1. Create visually appealing social cards that look attractive and relate to the blog post’s topic. Create several design options for each blog post to experiment and collect data on which designs perform better.
  2. Create a short-form video highlighting the key points of the blog post. Use a platform like TikTok or Instagram Reels to reach a broader audience who may not have the attention span to read an entire blog post.
  3. Share images that align with the blog post's content or topic. For example, if the blog is about home staging, share visually appealing photos of different homemaking techniques that were mentioned in the blog post.
  4. Share quotes, soundbites, or excerpts from the blog post to provide a quick snapshot of the information further. This content can be used across different platforms, including Twitter, Instagram stories, or as part of a marketing email.

By repurposing blog content, you can reach different audiences and maximize their content marketing efforts. It also helps to drive traffic back to the blog and increase engagement across multiple platforms.


Checklist: Setting Up and Optimizing Your Google Business Profile Account (formerly Google My Business)

This checklist is designed to help business owners create and optimize their Google My Business account.

Setting Up Your Google Business Account 

Go to the Google Business website. ( Click on "Manage Now" and sign in to your Google account.

Click on "Add your business to Google".

Fill out your business name and address.

Choose the appropriate category for your business.

Add your phone number and website.

Choose how you would like to verify your business (mail, phone, email, or instant verification).

Verify your business and complete the setup process.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile 

Add photos of your business, including the storefront, interior, products, and team members.

Write a detailed business description using keywords relevant to your business.

Add your business hours, including special hours for holidays or events. Provide information on accepted payment methods.

Add popular or relevant products or services your business offers. Encourage customers to leave reviews and respond to them promptly. Use Google Business's messaging feature to quickly communicate with customers.

Monitor engagement metrics, such as views, clicks, and total searches. Regularly post updates, photos, and events to keep your profile active and relevant.

By following this checklist, you can create and optimize your Google Business Profile account to increase visibility, attract more customers, and improve your online presence.

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Ideal Customer Worksheet 

According to business expert Seth Godin, the ideal customer or client is a customer who wants your product, who has the ability to pay for your product and who has the authority to purchase your product.

Use this worksheet to identify your business's ideal customer. Answer the questions below with as much detail as possible.

By answering these questions, you can better identify your ideal customer and tailor your marketing efforts to reach and engage with them more effectively.

Demographic Information 

What is your ideal customer's age range?

What is their gender?

What is their marital status?

Do they have children?

What is their occupation?

Psychographic Information 

What are their beliefs and values?

What are their interests and hobbies?

What are their aspirations and dreams?

What are their fears and concerns?

What are their pain points and challenges?

What motivates them to make a purchase?

Behavior Information 

How do they typically spend their free time?

What social media platforms do they use?

What websites do they frequently visit?

How do they prefer to shop (online, in-store, etc.)?

What type of content do they engage with?

What are their favorite brands and products?

Purchase Information 

How often do they purchase products or services similar to yours? What is their budget for your product/service?

When do they typically make a purchase?

Are they more likely to make a purchase during certain times of the year?

How do they typically make a purchase (online, in-store, phone order, etc.)?


Editorial Calendar

Title Type of Content 

Publication Date 

Platform Brief Description